nomad autoscaler 가지고 놀기

By | 2021년 8월 16일
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nomad autoscaler 가지고 놀기




nomad autoscaler 를 이용해 Auto Scaling 을 작동시킵니다.

준비물 설치

AWS AMI 인스턴스를 생성합니다.
메모리는 2G 로 합니다.

JDK, Docker 를 설치합니다.

sudo yum install java-11-amazon-corretto-headless -y
java -version
sudo yum install docker -y
docker -v
sudo service docker start
sudo systemctl enable docker.service

Consul 설치

sudo mkdir -p /etc/consul.d
sudo mkdir -p /opt/consul

sudo vi /etc/consul.d/consul.hcl
datacenter       = "dc1"
advertise_addr   = ""
client_addr      = ""
data_dir         = "/opt/consul"
server           = true
bootstrap_expect = 1
ui               = true

telemetry {
  prometheus_retention_time = "30s"
sudo docker run -d --name consul \
    -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600 -p 8600:8600/udp \
    -v /opt/consul:/opt/consul \
    -v /etc/consul.d:/etc/consul.d \
    --net host \
    --restart=always \

Nomad 설치

아래 명령으로 nomad 를 설치해 줍니다.

sudo mv nomad /usr/bin/

nomad version

테스트용이므로, 한 서버에 Server/Client 를 한번에 활성화 합니다.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/nomad.d
sudo mkdir -p /opt/nomad

sudo vi /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl
datacenter = "dc1"
data_dir   = "/opt/nomad/data"
bind_addr  = ""

advertise {
  http = "{{ GetPrivateIP }}"
  rpc  = "{{ GetPrivateIP }}"
  serf = "{{ GetPrivateIP }}"

server {
  enabled          = true
  bootstrap_expect = 1

client {
  enabled = true

  host_volume "grafana" {
    # add directory manually
    # sudo mkdir -p /opt/nomad-volumes/grafana
    # sudo chown 472:472 /opt/nomad-volumes/grafana
    path = "/opt/nomad-volumes/grafana"

# plugin "nvidia-gpu" {
#   config {
#     enabled            = true
#     ignored_gpu_ids    = ["GPU-fef8089b", "GPU-ac81e44d"]
#     fingerprint_period = "1m"
#   }
# }

plugin "docker" {
  config {
    volumes {
      enabled = true

telemetry {
  publish_allocation_metrics = true
  publish_node_metrics       = true
  prometheus_metrics         = true

grafana 용 볼륨 생성

sudo mkdir -p /opt/nomad-volumes/grafana
sudo chown 472:472 /opt/nomad-volumes/grafana

nomad client 는 root 권한이 필요합니다.

sudo nomad agent -config=/etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl

nomad 서비스로 실행하기

sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/nomad.service

# When using Nomad with Consul it is not necessary to start Consul first. These
# lines start Consul before Nomad as an optimization to avoid Nomad logging
# that Consul is unavailable at startup.

ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
ExecStart=/usr/bin/nomad agent -config /etc/nomad.d

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable nomad
sudo systemctl start nomad
sudo systemctl status nomad

Traefik 설치

Traefik 이 CPU 과다 사용 이슈가 있어 HAproxy 로 변경합니다.

Reverse Proxy 를 위해 traefik 을 설치합니다.

vi traefik.nomad
job "traefik" {
  region      = "global"
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "system"

  group "traefik" {
    count = 1

    network {
      # traefik web ui
      port "api" {
        static = 8081

      port "grafana" {
        static = 3000

      port "prometheus" {
        static = 9090

      port "http" {
        static = 8080

    task "traefik" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "traefik:v2.4"
        ports = ["api", "grafana", "prometheus", "http"]

        # Use `host` network so we can communicate with the Consul agent
        # running in the host to access the service catalog.
        network_mode = "host"

        volumes = [

      template {
        data = <<EOF
    address = ":{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_api" }}"
    address = ":{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_grafana" }}"
    address = ":{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_prometheus" }}"
    address = ":{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_http" }}"
  dashboard = true
  insecure  = true
    addServicesLabels = true
# Enable Consul Catalog configuration backend.
  prefix           = "traefik"
  exposedByDefault = false
    address = ""
    scheme  = "http"

        destination = "local/traefik.toml"

      resources {
        cpu    = 200
        memory = 256

      service {
        name         = "traefik-api"
        port         = "api"
        address_mode = "host"

        check {
          name     = "alive"
          type     = "tcp"
          port     = "api"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"

      service {
        name         = "traefik-http"
        port         = "http"
        address_mode = "host"

        check {
          name     = "alive"
          type     = "tcp"
          port     = "http"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"

      service {
        name         = "traefik-grafana"
        port         = "grafana"
        address_mode = "host"

        check {
          name     = "alive"
          type     = "tcp"
          port     = "grafana"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"

      service {
        name         = "traefik-prometheus"
        port         = "prometheus"
        address_mode = "host"

        check {
          name     = "alive"
          type     = "tcp"
          port     = "prometheus"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"
nomad run traefik.nomad

HAproxy 설정

앱의 DNS 만 매칭해 주면 됩니다.
대소문자는 구분하지 않습니다.

_<앱의 서비스명>._tcp.service.consul

vi haproxy.nomad
job "haproxy" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "haproxy" {
    count = 1

    network {
      port "webapp" {
        static = 8080

      port "prometheus_ui" {
        static = 9090

      port "grafana_ui" {
        static = 3000

      port "haproxy_ui" {
        static = 4936

      port "haproxy_exporter" {}

    task "haproxy" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "haproxy:2.3.5"
        ports = ["webapp", "haproxy_ui"]

        # Use `host` network so we can communicate with the Consul agent
        # running in the host to access the service catalog.
        network_mode = "host"

        volumes = [

      template {
        data = <<EOF
   maxconn 8192

   mode http
   timeout client 10s
   timeout connect 5s
   timeout server 10s
   timeout http-request 10s

frontend stats
   bind *:{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_haproxy_ui" }}
   stats uri /
   stats show-legends
   no log

frontend http_front
   bind *:{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_webapp" }}
   default_backend http_back

frontend prometheus_ui_front
   bind *:{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_prometheus_ui" }}
   default_backend prometheus_ui_back

frontend grafana_ui_front
   bind *:{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_grafana_ui" }}
   default_backend grafana_ui_back

backend http_back
   balance roundrobin
   server-template webapp 20 _helloservice._tcp.service.consul resolvers consul resolve-opts allow-dup-ip resolve-prefer ipv4 check

backend prometheus_ui_back
   balance roundrobin
   server-template prometheus_ui 5 _prometheus._tcp.service.consul resolvers consul resolve-opts allow-dup-ip resolve-prefer ipv4 check

backend grafana_ui_back
   balance roundrobin
   server-template grafana 5 _grafana._tcp.service.consul resolvers consul resolve-opts allow-dup-ip resolve-prefer ipv4 check

resolvers consul
   nameserver consul {{ env "" }}:8600
   accepted_payload_size 8192
   hold valid 5s

        destination   = "local/haproxy.cfg"
        change_mode   = "signal"
        change_signal = "SIGUSR1"

      resources {
        cpu    = 500
        memory = 128

      service {
        name = "haproxy-ui"
        port = "haproxy_ui"

        check {
          type     = "http"
          path     = "/"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"

      service {
        name = "haproxy-webapp"
        port = "webapp"

    task "haproxy-exporter" {
      driver = "docker"

      lifecycle {
        hook    = "prestart"
        sidecar = true

      config {
        image = "prom/haproxy-exporter:v0.10.0"
        ports = ["haproxy_exporter"]

        network_mode = "host"

        args = [

      resources {
        cpu    = 100
        memory = 32

      service {
        name = "haproxy-exporter"
        port = "haproxy_exporter"

        check {
          type     = "http"
          path     = "/metrics"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"
nomad run haproxy.nomad

Prometheus 설정


vi prometheus.nomad
job "prometheus" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "prometheus" {
    count = 1

    network {
      port "prometheus_ui" {}

    task "prometheus" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "prom/prometheus:v2.25.0"
        ports = ["prometheus_ui"]

        network_mode = "host"

        args = [

        volumes = [

      template {
        data = <<EOH
  scrape_interval:     1s
  evaluation_interval: 1s


  - job_name: haproxy_exporter
      - targets: [{{ range service "haproxy-exporter" }}'{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}',{{ end }}]

  - job_name: nomad_autoscaler
    metrics_path: /v1/metrics
      format: ['prometheus']
      - targets: [{{ range service "autoscaler" }}'{{ .Address }}:{{ .Port }}',{{ end }}]

  - job_name: nomad
    metrics_path: /v1/metrics
      format: ['prometheus']
    - targets: ['{{ env "" }}:4646']

        change_mode   = "signal"
        change_signal = "SIGHUP"
        destination   = "local/config/prometheus.yml"

      resources {
        cpu    = 100
        memory = 256

      service {
        name = "prometheus"
        port = "prometheus_ui"

        check {
          type     = "http"
          path     = "/-/healthy"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"
nomad run prometheus.nomad

http://<인스턴스 퍼블릭 아이피>:9090/targets 를 이용해 접속 상태를 확인할 수 있습니다.

Grafana 설정

vi grafana.nomad
job "grafana" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "grafana" {
    count = 1

    network {
      port "grafana_ui" {}

    volume "grafana" {
      type   = "host"
      source = "grafana"

    task "grafana" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "grafana/grafana:7.4.2"
        ports = ["grafana_ui"]

        network_mode = "host"

        volumes = [

      env {
        GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS         = "grafana-clock-panel,grafana-piechart-panel,natel-discrete-panel"
        GF_SERVER_HTTP_PORT        = "${NOMAD_PORT_grafana_ui}"

      template {
        data = <<EOH
apiVersion: 1
- name: Prometheus
  type: prometheus
  access: proxy
  url: http://{{ range $i, $s := service "prometheus" }}{{ if eq $i 0 }}{{.Address}}:{{.Port}}{{end}}{{end}}
  isDefault: true
  version: 1
  editable: false

        destination = "local/datasources/prometheus.yaml"

      template {
        data = <<EOH
apiVersion: 1
- name: Nomad Autoscaler
  folder: Nomad
  folderUid: nomad
  type: file
  disableDeletion: true
  editable: false
  allowUiUpdates: false
    path: /var/lib/grafana/dashboards

        destination = "local/dashboards/nomad-autoscaler.yaml"

      volume_mount {
        volume      = "grafana"
        destination = "/var/lib/grafana"

      resources {
        cpu    = 100
        memory = 64

      service {
        name = "grafana"
        port = "grafana_ui"

        check {
          type     = "http"
          path     = "/api/health"
          interval = "10s"
          timeout  = "2s"
nomad run grafana.nomad

환경변수 GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS 을 이용해 grafana 플러그인을 설치할 수 있습니다.

Autoscaler 생성

vi autoscaler.nomad
job "autoscaler" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]

  group "autoscaler" {
    count = 1

    task "autoscaler" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image   = "hashicorp/nomad-autoscaler:0.3.3"
        command = "nomad-autoscaler"
        network_mode = "host"
        args    = ["agent", "-http-bind-port=8090", "-config", "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/config.hcl"]

      template {
        data = <<EOF
plugin_dir = "/plugins"

nomad {
  address = "http://{{env "" }}:4646"
apm "nomad" {
  driver = "nomad-apm"
  config  = {
    address = "http://{{env "" }}:4646"
apm "prometheus" {
  driver = "prometheus"
  config = {
    address = "http://{{ env "" }}:9090"
strategy "target-value" {
  driver = "target-value"

        destination = "${NOMAD_TASK_DIR}/config.hcl"
nomad run autoscaler.nomad

hello 설정

vi hello.nomad
job "hello" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type = "service"

  group "helloGroup" {
    network {
      port "http" {}
      port "https" {}
      # port "lb" { static = 8080 }

    count = 1

    scaling {
      enabled = true
      min     = 1
      max     = 2

      policy {
        cooldown            = "1m"
        evaluation_interval = "30s"

        check "avg_sessions" {
          source = "prometheus"
          query  = "avg((haproxy_server_current_sessions{backend=\"http_back\"}) and (haproxy_server_up{backend=\"http_back\"} == 1))"

          strategy "target-value" {
            target = 5

    # Define a task to run
    task "helloTask" {
      driver = "java"

      config {
        jar_path = "local/TestPublic-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar"
        jvm_options = ["-Xmx256m","-Xms256m"]

      env {
        PORT    = "${NOMAD_PORT_http}"
        NODE_IP = "${NOMAD_IP_http}"

      service {
        name = "helloService"
        # port = "lb"
        port = "http"

        check {
          type     = "http"
          path     = "/hello"     # health check 용 url
          interval = "2s"
          timeout  = "2s"

      resources {
        cpu = 500         # 500 Mhz
        memory = 500      # 500 MB

      # 원격에서 다운받아야 합니다.
      artifact {
        source = ""
nomad run hello.nomad

Grafana 대시보드 추가

Nomad Cluster 대시보드 6278 을 설치합니다.

Nomad Jobs 대시보드 12787 을 추가합니다.

JVM (Micrometer) 대시보드 4701 을 추가합니다.

시간을 5분으로 변경해 줍니다.

스트레스 테스트 하기

chmod 777 hey_linux_amd64
sudo mv hey_linux_amd64 /usr/bin/hey

hey -help

5분간 200개의 동시 커넥션을 하도록 합니다.

hey -z 5m -c 200 http://localhost:8080/hello

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  1. Pingback: Nomad + Spring Boot App 권장 설정 – 상구리의 기술 블로그

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