passay globalization (다국어 지원)

By | 2021년 8월 3일
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passay globalization (다국어 지원)


한글 오류 메시지 표시

아래와 같이 특정 오류 메시지를 한글로 표시할 수 있습니다.

public class PasswordConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidPassword, String> {

    public void initialize(ValidPassword arg0) {

    public boolean isValid(String password, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
        final StaticMessageSource messageSource = new StaticMessageSource();

        messageSource.addMessage("TOO_SHORT", Locale.KOREA, "비밀번호는 {0}-{1} 자리여야 합니다.");
        messageSource.addMessage("INSUFFICIENT_LOWERCASE", Locale.KOREA, "비밀번호에 최소 {0} 개 이상의 소문자가 있어야 합니다.");
        messageSource.addMessage("INSUFFICIENT_DIGIT", Locale.KOREA, "비밀번호에 최소 {0} 개 이상의 숫자가 있어야 합니다.");
        messageSource.addMessage("INSUFFICIENT_SPECIAL", Locale.KOREA, "비밀번호에 최소 {0} 개 이상의 특수문자가 있어야 합니다.");

        PasswordValidator validator = new PasswordValidator(
                new SpringMessageResolver(messageSource, Locale.KOREA),
                        new LengthRule(8, 30),
                        // new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.UpperCase, 1),
                        new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.LowerCase, 1),
                        new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Digit, 1),
                        new CharacterRule(EnglishCharacterData.Special, 1),
                        new IllegalSequenceRule(EnglishSequenceData.Alphabetical, 5, false),
                        new IllegalSequenceRule(EnglishSequenceData.Numerical, 5, false),
                        new IllegalSequenceRule(EnglishSequenceData.USQwerty, 5, false),
                        new WhitespaceRule()));

        RuleResult result = validator.validate(new PasswordData(password));
        if (result.isValid()) {
            return true;
        return false;
# Passay properties
HISTORY_VIOLATION=Password matches one of {0} previous passwords.
ILLEGAL_WORD=Password contains the dictionary word '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_WORD_REVERSED=Password contains the reversed dictionary word '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_DIGEST_WORD=Password contains a dictionary word.
ILLEGAL_DIGEST_WORD_REVERSED=Password contains a reversed dictionary word.
ILLEGAL_MATCH=Password matches the illegal pattern '{0}'.
ALLOWED_MATCH=Password must match pattern '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_CHAR=Password {1} the illegal character '{0}'.
ALLOWED_CHAR=Password {1} the illegal character '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_QWERTY_SEQUENCE=Password contains the illegal QWERTY sequence '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_ALPHABETICAL_SEQUENCE=Password contains the illegal alphabetical sequence '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_NUMERICAL_SEQUENCE=Password contains the illegal numerical sequence '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_USERNAME=Password {1} the user id '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_USERNAME_REVERSED=Password {1} the user id '{0}' in reverse.
ILLEGAL_WHITESPACE=Password {1} a whitespace character.
ILLEGAL_NUMBER_RANGE=Password {1} the number '{0}'.
ILLEGAL_REPEATED_CHARS=Password contains {2} sequences of {0} or more repeated characters, but only {1} allowed: {3}.
INSUFFICIENT_UPPERCASE=Password must contain {0} or more uppercase characters.
INSUFFICIENT_LOWERCASE=Password must contain {0} or more lowercase characters.
INSUFFICIENT_ALPHABETICAL=Password must contain {0} or more alphabetical characters.
INSUFFICIENT_DIGIT=Password must contain {0} or more digit characters.
INSUFFICIENT_SPECIAL=Password must contain {0} or more special characters.
INSUFFICIENT_CHARACTERISTICS=Password matches {0} of {2} character rules, but {1} are required.
INSUFFICIENT_COMPLEXITY=Password meets {1} complexity rules, but {2} are required.
INSUFFICIENT_COMPLEXITY_RULES=No rules have been configured for a password of length {0}.
SOURCE_VIOLATION=Password cannot be the same as your {0} password.
TOO_LONG=Password must be no more than {1} characters in length.
TOO_SHORT=Password must be {0} or more characters in length.
TOO_MANY_OCCURRENCES=Password contains {1} occurrences of the character '{0}', but at most {2} are allowed.

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